The mechanism of male sexual arousal
- reflection. This reaction occurs after stimulation of the reproductive organs. This reaction is physiological and usually occurs within one minute of masturbation. This mechanism originates in the spinal cord. Sexual desire has been observed even in paralyzed people with spinal injuries.
- psychogenicity. This is an arousal mechanism caused by fantasy and thought processes. Sexual images associated with possible sexual intercourse appear in a man's mind. This type of erection requires a healthy nervous system and is only achieved by a minority of patients with spinal cord injuries.
- night. Refers to a mechanically uncontrolled erection that occurs in all healthy men. The first nocturnal reactions of sexual arousal can be observed even in adolescent boys. Lack of mechanical erection is a reason to see a doctor and is a sign of androgen deficiency and other physiological disorders.

what is precum

Where is it produced?


- Neutralizes the increased acidity of the vaginal microbiota,
- Promote penetration of the penis and help sperm move along the cervix,
- Increase chances of conception,
- Clear urethral contents (urine, semen).

What does normal look like?

Reasons to see a doctor
- Increased body temperature, fever, fever,
- A feeling of pain or discomfort in the pelvic organs,
- Redness of the skin, rash, and swelling of the tissues,
- There are purulent and bloody impurities in the secretions,
- Itching and burning sensation in the urethra,
- Congestion in the penis area,
- Other suspicious symptoms (urinary retention, erectile dysfunction).
No pre-semen release

Changes in color and consistency
- The smell changes, and an unpleasant "fishy" smell mixed with mold appears.
- Increase discharge,
- the presence of blood and pus,
- Before ejaculation, the structure changes, thickens, cheese-like deposits appear,
- Color changes.
- Gray green. Indicates the presence of infection in the body. This isn't always a sign of an STD; the flu or ARVI may manifest this way, too. Usually, it is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
- Thick white discharge. They talk about the development of fungal diseases, the most common of which is candidiasis. It is spread from an infected sexual partner. If the pathogen is detected, both men and women must receive treatment.
- red. Indicates the presence of blood in the secretions. This symptom is typical of diseases of the urinary system (urethritis, cystitis), chronic prostatitis and many other diseases not related to the urinary system: hypertension, atherosclerosis.
- yellow. This is a sign of an STD. Men rarely show symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases; most often the disease occurs in a latent form. When yellow discharge occurs, sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, and mycoplasmosis may be suspected.
- Purulent discharge. They talk about the presence of certain types of infections, such as gonorrhea, syphilis, and gonococcal infection. It is often accompanied by urinary problems and erectile dysfunction.